Top 50 Rules to Investing
Rule : 35
Since You Can't Know Everything, Seek Out Specialists Who Know Their Areas.
Want to know how to invest in stocks, but don’t know where to start? This is a situation many face and use to put off investing. I heard the question during my time in the online brokerage industry and hear it regularly today. I learned many things while working in the brokerage industry, but what I saw more than any circumstance or event was investors not knowing how to invest in stocks and ultimately derailing their investing goals or their retirement planning as a whole.
I don’t necessarily blame investors for their ignorance. No matter what we know, there’s always more to learn when it comes to investing and, if you haven’t been fortunate to have a parent, relative or boss teach you how to invest in stocks, how would you know where to start?
Lord knows I have my own weaknesses, so I can empathize with investors who just don’t know where to start. However, I have come to realize that knowing how to invest in stocks is not really difficult, per se, but it does require a little bit of homework.
If you are new to investing in stocks and would like a primer then I recommend you checking out my learning to invest page as it has a number of posts all meant to help you start investing in the stock market. For now though, let’s cover how to invest in stocks when you don’t know where to start.
Courtesy : See More @ http://bit.ly/2mC1B2p
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