Top 50 Rules to Investing
Rule : 38
Investing in what's Popular Never Ends Up Making You Any Money.
How to Invest Money When You Don't Have Any
For months after college, my job was to sit in a windowless warehouse with dozens of other schlubs and type summaries of meetings dictated to me over the phone. The shift went from midnight to 6 AM. I'd eat the free Dominos my employer provided, slowly erode my insides with Red Bull, and slip into a fugue state while transcribing the alien-sounding phrases spat out by the MBAs on the other end of the line.
I never learned about "mutual funds" or "index funds" or "money market accounts"—it all seemed as relevant to my broke-ass existence as theology is to a goat. But these days I wonder if I missed out on a chance to turn a bad job into the equivalent of night business school. I've become increasingly aware that, like a lot of twentysomethings, I don't know what the hell I'm doing when it comes to money. A $3 coffee will turn into a $30 coffee thanks to interest payments on my credit card. I'll wake up after a night out with a crumpled receipt for pizza in my pocket and worry I just overdrew my checking account. I've contemplated simply stopping payment on my laughably unmanageable student loans.
Courtesy : See More @ http://bit.ly/2skgl9P
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